Todd Visited Best Buy’s Campus!

I visited the Best Buy Corporate Offices for a Keynote event for Big Blue in Richfield, MN!  I got to speak to 200-250 employees about the messages in my books.  I also got to read to some of the kids in daycare on campus.


Thanks to my friends at Best Buy for the fun day. We talked about, kindness, diversity, and life.


Todd Parr at Best Buy Corporate Offices for Keynote


Todd Parr at Best Buy Corporate Offices for Keynote


Todd Parr at Best Buy Corporate Offices for Keynote


Todd Parr at Best Buy Corporate Offices for Keynote


Todd Parr at Best Buy Corporate Offices for Keynote


Todd Parr at Best Buy Corporate Offices for Keynote


Todd Parr at Best Buy Corporate Offices for Keynote